速報APP / 健康塑身 / Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy





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Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖1)-速報App

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods is a free app about foods fruits & vegetables diets for people of all ages showing the list of great High Fiber foods that you must eat for Healthy Gut Intestines Health & weight loss. We have compiled all type of high Dietary Fibre food sources suitable for daily breakfast or other meals.

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖2)-速報App

Dietary fibre is important for body and has a number of health benefits. It reduces risk of heart disease diabetes constipation gallstones and kidney stones etc. Besides this it plays vital roles in preventing Breast cancer Peptic ulcer Inflammatory bowel disease and Hypertension etc.

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖3)-速報App

Dietary fiber adds bulk to your diet and makes you feel full faster, helping you control your weight insoluble. Fibre bulks up stools and makes waste move through the digestive tract more quickly, which is better for the gut.

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖4)-速報App

Good sources of dietary fiber include

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖5)-速報App

•Whole grains

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖6)-速報App

•Nuts and seeds

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖7)-速報App

•Fruit and vegetables

Top Dietary Fibre Rich Foods for Healthy Gut Diet(圖8)-速報App


Eating the skin or peel of fruits and vegetables provides a greater dose of fiber, which is found naturally in these sources.

Caution: Increasing dietary fiber too quickly can lead to gas, bloating, and cramps.

App contains the complete list of top Dietary Fibre rich foods that are easily available everywhere in the world and are completely natural. You can share these images as photo in just single Tap to your Facebook WhatsApp twitter tumblr or any other social media website or App. You can also email these pics as attachment to your friends or can download to your cell phone memory or memory card gallery of your mobile.